Thursday, July 27, 2006

Fandumb, part th... oh, why do I bother?

Okay, here's one of the best examples of geek mole-hilling. While I agree with some of the sentiment, especially about the non-anamorphic widescreen, they just put way too much effort into something that has a simple, simple answer. So, without further ado, I present: Forums - The "original crawl" on the new DVD is NOT the original crawl! Screenshot inside!

Yes, they're throwing around terms like 'offensive' and 'refuse to tolerate' about the timing of the opening crawl of the first Star Wars movie that appears on the upcoming DVDs. I should note that this is all based on a trailer and a segment from the documentary Empire of Dreams, and not on the actual DVDs themselves. Also, they're using this tiny example to prove their own hypothesis that the DVDs aren't what they say they are.

Yes, you understand that correctly, they're gnashing their teeth over something they can't prove until they actually see the actual DVDs themselves... and it goes on for four pages of text. My person favorite line from the whole thing:
I knew there was a reason to get suspicious when that paragraph mysteriously disappeared for a few hours.
Pure paranoid delusion. Wow. (Note: I say delusion, as these folks are deluding themselves into thinking that any of this is really important.)


Oh, right, that simple, simple answer:

Just shut up and don't buy the damned DVDs.

Who cares what anyone thinks about your little delusional world where the original cut of Star Wars is some sort of holy writ that George Lucas, it's creator, has blasphemed? Suck it up, deal with it, and get on with your lives.


You folks give geekdom a bad reputation.

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